
What You Don’t Know From 30 Years of Published Research About Nicotine Could Kill You

Why You Don’t Know.

How to Use Nicotine

Is Nicotine Effective for Post-COVID Symptoms and Long Covid?


Dr. Bryan Ardis

How Much Nicotine Should You Use?

How It Can Heal Parkinson’s and More…


Full Interview


Follow-up: The Questions YOU Had For Dr. Bryan Ardis


Did you know that…

  • your organic veggies are high in nicotine?
  • nicotine is a reversing agent and a cure for Parkinson’s?
  • nicotine is a curing agent and preventative for Alzheimer’s?
  • nicotine can prevent and cure Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?
  • during the pandemic, it was proven and shown that nicotine could dissolve a brain tumour in any mammal in 3 days?.
  • It is published that nicotine by itself (NOT FROM SMOKING) can reverse hypothyroidism (Low Thyroid Function)


Listening to the 9 minutes interview below, will be a transformational experience for you, as Dr Ardis explains

How a man who had Parkinson’s disease for 6 years was free of all symptoms within 2 weeks

Why the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has suppressed this information in favour of Big Pharma’s big profits drug therapy industry.


How to Use Nicotine


Full Interview The Shocking Unbelievable Truth about Nicotine & the Role it had in the Covid Plandemic


Nicotine is a reversing agent and cure for numerous ailments, including

    • Alzheimer’s
    •  Arthritis
    • Brain Tumours
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart)
    • Type 1 Diabetes
    • Ulcerated Colitis


Awakening Podcast

Nicotine – Cure or Toxin?


Healing Parkinson’s Disease

In the episode (below) from his weekly show, Dr. Ardis

  • Discusses strategies for preventing and treating Parkinson’s disease.
  • Highlights supplements like taurine, selenium, and a foreign protein cleanse as potential aids in managing the condition.
  • Symptoms of Parkinson’s and common pharmaceutical drugs used for treatment, with caution against relying solely on medication due to potential side effects.
  • Discusses the potential benefits of nicotine in treating Parkinson’s disease and suggests considering nicotine patches or gum as part of a treatment plan.
  • Emphasizes the importance of educating oneself and consulting with healthcare professionals when exploring treatment options for Parkinson’s disease.


Note – This and other videos below may open with 2 x advertisements



1. Website The Dr Ardis Show


2. Is there any RESEARCH that nicotine is beneficial?

US National Library of Medicine (National Center for Biotechnology Information

Beneficial Effects of Nicotine



3. Is Nicotine Addictive?

Pyrazene is a chemical added to cigarettes by the tobacco industry to make nicotine highly addictive  – otherwise nicotine is NOT addictive at all.

After the tobacco plant, the aubergine (egg plant) contains the most nicotine. Do you know anyone who is addicted to aubergines (egg plants)?

or cauliflowers?

and so on – (6 Unexpected Foods and Drinks That Contain Nicotine)


Published Research PaperA study of pyrazines in cigarettes and how additives might be used to enhance tobacco addiction


This article is published on the National Library of Medicine website


Same Article on BMJ (British Medical Journal) website




Why Did The FDA Lie To The US Congress About Nicotine In 1994? (10:02)

“Why did the US FDA (Food & Drugs Administration) LIE  About NICOTINE in 1994? Pyrazines, the tobacco ADDITIVE is the addictive part in cigarettes”

Dr. Bryan Ardis



Is Nicotine Effective for Post-COVID Symptoms and Long Covid?

Do you or anyone you know still suffer with these symptoms, post covid?

    • brain fog
    • chronic fatigue
    • can’t Take Deep Breathes
    • chest tightness/pain
    • cognitive impairment
    • concentration difficulties
    • diarrhea
    • dizziness
    • exercise intolerance
    • headache
    • heart palpitations
    • loss of taste and smell
    • low-grade fever
    • memory lapses
    • mood disorders
    • motor deficits
    • muscle pain and weakness
    • new onset of diabetes
    • new onset of hypertension
    • sleep Difficulties
    • vomiting

Between 35 percent and 87 percent of people worldwide infected with COVID-19 struggle with the 21 symptoms, with an “unpredictable” duration.


After six months, subjects suffering from long-haul covid reported 14 persistent symptoms.


Dr Ardis has proposed nicotine and its agents as possible therapies for COVID-19 because the venom-derived spike proteins were targeting nicotine receptors.


The April 2020 study, he added, “explains why smokers are not ending up in hospitals with COVID because nicotine is already in their body, and it binds to these receptors that venoms target called spike proteins of COVID.”


“But nicotine has a 30 times higher binding ability than venoms. Therefore, in the presence of nicotine, the body will always grab on the nicotine and venom can’t bind to those nicotine receptors. If venom is already bound to them and you introduce nicotine, nicotine releases the venom. Nicotine is then replaced at the attachment of the cell. Ivermectin does the same thing, just not as strong as nicotine does.”

Published Study – A nicotinic hypothesis for Covid-19 with preventive and therapeutic implications


January 2023 – Study published by Marco Leitzke

 This study highlights 4 case studies of long-hauler COVID patients and their miraculous recovery in just 6 days, by using 7mg Nicotine Patches* topically (applied directly to a part of the body)!

In this incredible episode, Laura Sophie Helbig talks with Dr. Med. Marco Leitzke D.E.S.A about his groundbreaking study to ease long covid and ME/CFS symptoms and even cure them!

Furthermore, they talk about how you can test it out yourself at home, and here are all the links you might need.

It is not a silver bullet for everyone, but it does help many and Laura knows personally people who cured their ME/CFS with it, so it is worth a shot.

Link to Study: Is the post-COVID-19 syndrome a severe impairment of acetylcholine-orchestrated neuromodulation that responds to nicotine administration?


Conclusion of study – “Treating several individuals suffering from post-COVID-19 syndrome with a nicotine patch* application, we witnessed improvements ranging from immediate and substantial to complete remission in a matter of days.”


*Nicotine patches, are NOT toxic and once you take them off the nicotine will leave your body in a couple of hours.


Interview with Health Ranger, Mike Adams.

Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals BOMBSHELL findings about reptilian VENOM PEPTIDES in popular weight loss drugs, and the role of NICOTINE in healing “long COVID”.

0:00 Ozempic drug side effects and warnings. 

8:09 – Unconventional medical treatments and their risks. 

12:55 Venom-based drugs and their potential side effects.

17:59 Snake venom-based drugs and their connection to COVID-19.

23:11Nicotine addiction and COVID-19 treatment.

28:26 Nicotine addiction and FDA deception.

34:04 Nicotine patches for COVID-19 treatment.

37:17 – Nicotine as a potential cure for COVID-related brain tumors.

40:52 – Nicotine’s potential health benefits and FDA regulations.

Nicotine has been proven to

      • Slow the progress and reverse all Parkinson’s Disease symptoms
      • Published to reverse Alzheimer’s and Dementia
      •  Proven to help improve Hypothyroidism
      •  Also Multiple Sclerosis, Brain Tumours, Autism

45:48 Natural remedies for COVID-19 

51:37 – Healthy instant meals and donation to charity.


The Dr Ardis Show

Episode 04.10.2024 – The Other “N” Word

In this podcast episode, Dr. Ardis explores the controversial topic of nicotine, challenging commonly held beliefs about its addictiveness and highlighting its potential benefits for health.

He discusses the history of misinformation surrounding nicotine addiction and presents evidence suggesting that nicotine may have therapeutic effects, particularly in treating diseases like Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis. Dr. Ardis also delves into the role of nicotine in COVID-19, discussing studies that have found potential protective effects against the virus.

Additionally, he addresses the presence of snake venom phosphodiesterase in COVID-19 vaccines and recommends natural ingredients to neutralize its effects.

Throughout the episode, Dr. Ardis advocates for a re-evaluation of public health policies and encourages listeners to question mainstream narratives about nicotine.

Watch Full Episode


See Also.

Where can I find the research and documents that Dr. Ardis speaks about?



Shocking use of venom peptides

in cosmetics and food supply